Parts of this website are still under construction and may not be fully functional. We appreciate your patience, and are looking forward to sharing the full version of the site with you soon.


SGD 175,301.84

The price of this product updates according to the current prices of precious metals.

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  • Normal Delivery 7 days Extended Delivery days
  • Get it between August 03 and August 06 Get it between July 27 and July 30

The price for this product will continue to change until the order is submitted and checked out. After 24 hours, orders may be marked as expired and will be canceled if you do not fulfill the purchase.

We can take more orders for this product but we cannot fulfill the quantity you have provided until more stocks are available. We can adjust the delivery time when stock becomes available or you can order a smaller quantity for this product.

The Market is currently closed. Some orders cannot be processed until the market is open. Please check back later.

We are currently unable to take more orders for this product. We are replenishing this soon!

About the product

Gold Prices

There seems to be a problem loading the prices

3 Months
  • 1 Hour
  • 12 Hours
  • 1 Day
  • 7 Days
  • 14 Days
  • 1 Month
  • 3 Months
  • 6 Months
  • 1 Year
  • USD
  • SGD